Have you ever through that you could make confit lemon or even lemon curd.

In reality, it’s so simple that you will regret to never have tried to do it before.

You could use lemon or lime for this recipe, and you could also use this same recipe with any citrus like orange for example.

Confit lime


For starting, cut your citrus lengthwise.

Cut your citrus in order to make preserved lemon or lime
Cut your citrus in order to make preserved lemon or lime

Then add them in a big bawl with 1 lime juice (or any other fruit that you are using for this recipe) Some water: for 2 citrus, I advise you to use 100ml of water And salt: around 15 grams for 2 citrus.

Cook your lime, lemon or orange to confit them
Cook your lime, lemon or orange to confit them

After that little preparation, you need to cook them.

Your citrus are ready to be cooked Cook your citrus
Your citrus are ready to be cooked

The easiest way to cook them it’s in the microwave. Yes, you could that!

How to cook your citrus?

Put them in the microwave for 10 min at the maximum temperature. Stir them well and cook them again 5 min, stir again and cook them again 8 minutes. Sometimes, it’s not cooked enough because the skin of your fruits are thick. How could you know that? Just by checking the color of your citrus and how soft is the skin.

Cook your lime or lemon
Cook your lime or lemon

Have you seen that in the cooking process, the fruits release a little of liquid?

Then as they are still warm add them in a jar for the conservation, like a marmalade and use them when you need.

Now what to do with those lemons?

Lemons could be use for both savory or sweet. For savory, I use them a lot in salads. I chop them with some cherry tomatoes, avocado and smashed boiled eggs. Trust me, for the sweet, it’s absolutely delicious. I am as well taking care about the salt that I use in the salad, some are with additional flavors that I appreciate a lot.

For the sweet, it’s absolutely delicious in any cake. You have to chop them and introduce them in the dough. For the cake decoration on the top, I always took care of adding some fruit. It makes the cake fresh and authentic.

For cakes ideas I could advise this very easy one but instead of the fluffy candy flavor use you confit fruits.

If ever you would like to cook with me, feel free to contact me for a private cooking class or you could experiment some others of my online cooking class on Airbnb

et voilà!
Et voilà!
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