Healthy salad with sweet cabbage, sesame, apple and dry grape

Healthy salad with sweet cabbage, sesame, apple and dry grape, easy and fast recipe for every day or to share with your friends for a brunch.

What is the best cabbage to eat raw?

The Napa cabbage, also called Chinese cabbage, is the perfect cabbage for an healthy salad. This oblong-shaped cabbage has thick, crisp stems and frilly yellow-green leaves. I think its flavor is sweeter and softer than green cabbage, and I really love eating it raw in salads and using it in the filling for dumplings

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Napa Cabbage

Which type of cabbage is healthiest?

While both green and red cabbage are extremely healthy for a salad, the red variety has a greater nutrient profile. One cup of raw, red cabbage (89 grams) contains 85% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C and high amounts of vitamins A and K. It is also a good source of B vitamins, manganese and potassium (35).


Healthy salad with cabbage ingredients
Healthy salad with cabbage: ingredients

Cabbage, here I use ” Choudoux” which is a very soft cabbage

Dry grape

2 apples

Marple syrup

Sesame oil

Preparation :

Chop your cabbage in thin slices, then peel off your apples and dice it. Sparkle to those ingredients, some dry grape. Toss this healthy salad.

Healthy salad with sweet cabbage, sesame, apple and dry grape
Healthy salad with sweet cabbage, sesame, apple and dry grape

Seasoning :

The dressing will enhance the flavor of your health salad with cabbage. Some sesame oil, a little of Marple syrup

For the salt, I use Gomasio, it’s really a game changer in your salad. Gomasio is as well a perfect salt substitute for some dishes because it brings a nice flavor to our meals and reduce the amount of salt needed. This “Salt of the East”. It’s perfect for popping up any salad.

What for the dessert?

This salad was so healthy that you could allow you a sweet dessert, but I have as well lot of dessert recipes without sugar 😉

Bon appétit !

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