You know how much I love the beautiful summer fruits and vegetables.
I’d like to highlight a fruit to enjoy as an appetizer.
Have you ever tried this combination: fruit in a salad?
Here is my recipe for watermelon and feta cheese, which is so colorful and delicious.

water melon
Watermelon salad: original, healthy and diet recipe

About the watermelon: a very healthy and diet fruit

I can assure you that this mix, which is original indeed, is also delicious.
It is excellent in terms of nutrition because watermelon is very low in calories: 30 calories per 100g and above all, it has a refreshing taste that quenches your thirst. This makes it our best ally in the summer when it is very hot.
Red or pink, white or yellow, its flesh is an important source of lycopene, an antioxidant that would protect against many diseases. In addition, watermelon seeds are edible and provide vitamin C.
The arginine content of watermelon makes it a natural fat-burning food. This substance also oxidizes glucose due to the ingestion of fast sugars. Its low carbohydrate content (7 g per 100 g) makes watermelon compatible with an anti-diabetes diet.
Full of fiber, watermelon (the other name for watermelon) is good for digestion and satisfies the body with very few calories. Its diuretic and detoxifying qualities complete the reasons for adopting it as food that does not make you gain weight.

Thus, melon and watermelon are highly recommended for weight loss because they increase the feeling of satiety while respecting the recommended daily caloric intake.

ingrédient for a colourful salad
Ingredient for a colourful, original healthy and diet salad: feta, spring oignons, mint, and of course watermelon!

Here is a recipe for one of my famous salads, always in the healthy trend, but above all, it’s very simple.

We are in the simple idea of 4 ingredients and 4 minutes of preparation.


-Half a watermelon, -A jar of herbs feta cheese -Spring onions -Mint

Salad with watermelon: preparation
Watermelon salad: preparation


-Cut the watermelon into pieces
-Chop the spring onion
-Split the mint

Cut the feta cheese into smaller cubes
Assemble all the ingredients together: the oil in the feta pot is used as a seasoning for this salad.

Original, healthy, diet and colourful salad
Original, healthy, diet and colourful salad

When I made this salad, I invited two friends to share it with me. As a side dish for this girls’ breakfast, I cooked quinoa and served it plain. The salad served as a dressing for the quinoa itself.
And there we were, we enjoyed ourselves while paying attention to our silhouette!


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