Easy biscuit with orange blossom flavor, perfect for Christmas Time

These biscuits are very easy and quick to realize and in some minutes with few ingredients you will have the perfect biscuits to eat while drinking your tea or your mulled wine during Christmas Holidays.

Ingredients to bake easy biscuit.
Ingredients to bake easy biscuit.

Ingredients for easy biscuit

150g – ¾ cup of sugar

80 ml -2/5 cup of vegetable oil

2 eggs

250g-2 cups of flour

10g of baking powder

2tbs of orange blossom extract

Powdered sugar

Preparation of easy biscuit

In a bowl, mix together eggs with sugar and add the oil, then the flour with the baking powder.

In a bowl, start mixing eggs and sugar
In a bowl, start mixing eggs and sugar
Add the oil to the batter
Add the oil to the biscuit’s batter

The dough is never the same depending on the weather, or the egg’s size, so do not have any hesitation to add more flour to reach a consistence which is smooth but not sticky. And if ever the consistence is crumbly you will need to add more humidity, so just a little of water will be great.

Always start the dough with a fork. When the flour will have absorbed all the liquid ingredients, it will be time to put your hands in order to start the kneading. Don’t forget to knead with the palm of your hand.

Preparation of the dough
Preparation of the dough

The kneading is in order to create a gluten network which will give consistence to your dough

Dough preparation for Xmas biscuit
Dough preparation for Xmas biscuit

When you reach the right dough consistence, make rolls with the dough and cut it into pieces.

Roll your dough
Roll your dough

In a cookies’ tray, add parchment paper arrange the biscuits and let bake it for15 minutes over 180°C-350°F

Easy biscuit baking time 15 min
Easy biscuit baking time 15 min


Orange blossom is my favorite flavor for those easy biscuits, but it’s totally possible to use another flavor like vanilla, lemon or orange. It will work perfectly as well.

I like as well eating those biscuits any time during the year at the end of my diner with a good coffee, or even as a snack.

Easy Christmas biscuit
Easy Christmas biscuit

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