You just finished baking a tart, perhaps a Tarte Tatin and you have dough left over, now you just have to use this crust to make something else, like biscuits!

Now that you know some easy recipes about the dough, the savory like in the French Quiche or a sweet like in the Tart Tatin, it could happen that because of the size tart pan, you will have dough left over. You can’t through it aways, it will be a lost. But you could transform this dough in little biscuits.

Instructions :
First of all, spread flour on the table and roll out your dough on the work surface.

If you have cookie cutters, you can use them. Otherwise, do not cut the dough, you will break it after cooking. You have others options as well, like using a glass as a cookie cutter.
Brush your cookies with egg yolk and add sugar on top.
I used violet flavored sugar for my part. If you don’t have flavored sugar, I suggest you use cane sugar

If you don’t have a cookie cutter, and you don’t want to break your cookie: You just need to form the dough into a sausage and roll it in the sugar.

Now, place the shapes on a buttered or parchment paper-lined baking sheet. And cook it for around 15 min at 210°C – 400°F

Another possibility is to put the dough in the fridge for 15 minutes. Then you could cut it into slices. Bake it for around 10-15 minutes at 210°C- 420 °F, until they get caramelized. You will have nice caramelized cookies.

If you don’t have an egg, you can add a few drops of water so that the sugar caramelizes during cooking
To Freeze them
If you don’t have time to bake the dough right away, or if you’re not inspired, freeze your leftover shortcrust pastry for future use.
If you don’t have dough left over
What could you do : the first idea is to make a dough and the second possibility is to use an industrial pie crust. If so, select it attentively.