What to do with trumpet zucchini flowers? I will teach you all you ever wanted to know about trumpet zucchini flowers!
Easy a beautiful salad!

I love the flavour of the zucchini flower pistils. I prefer to eat them in a salad rather than as a fritter because frying them in a frying pan reduces the flavour of the flower a bit.
You should always buy your trumpet zucchini with its flowers at the last minute. The day of the recipe shaping because the flowers fade very quickly.
About the trumpet zucchini:
It’s considered to be the most refined of all zucchinis.
Trumpet zucchini is a young squash that is also sometimes called “butter zucchini”. It is cultivated only on the French Riviera, around Nice, or in Italy in Albenga. It finds there all the necessary conditions for its growth: sun, heat, ideal soil… Its flesh is at the same time tender and firm, very fine and fragrant with a small taste of hazelnut, without any bitterness.
. The trumpet courgette has an elongated shape, swollen on the flower side and a little at the other end. The thin skin is streaked with a light green colour.

The zucchini flower:
In nature, there are always male and female zucchini flowers.
The females produce zucchini and the males only flowers.
The females have a slightly sweeter taste, the males have a slightly more bitter taste. It is therefore recommended to cook the male flowers, while the females are eaten raw and cooked.
That’s why I recommend that you buy the zucchini with its flowers, so you are sure that they are female flowers, ideal for salad.
The flower should also ideally be eaten on the day of purchase. But it is possible to extend its shelf life for a day or two in the refrigerator.
Normally, zucchini flowers grow in gardens from June to mid-August, only on the French Riviera where the climate is favourable, but thanks to greenhouses, it is now possible to find them from the end of May to mid-September.

An innovative and easy to make tasty recipe: All you ever wanted to know about zucchini flowers
I made this salad with only with female zucchini flowers which are tastier. So to never make a mistake and not to select males, I buy trumpet zucchini with their flowers, since we know that only females produce the fruit.
To make my salad, I collect all the flowers and cut them by the pistil in 3 or 4 pieces, I put them in a salad bowl with a little of arugula salad, some spring onion and basil.
That’s it! If you would like you could add some seeds, like sunflowers seeds or anything else you like, it will be perfect. For your own touch, you need to feel free to do what you feel like to do.

Then I take care of the zucchini themselves.
In a pot of boiling salted water, I plunge my zucchini for 10 minutes, then I pass them under cold water so that they keep their beautiful colour.
Then I dice my zucchini.
I cook hard-boiled eggs (1 egg for 2 zucchinis on average) for 10 minutes, I peel them and crush them with a fork.
For finishing, I sprinkle my eggs on the zucchini.
That’s all.
All that remains is to make the seasoning and to introduce some variations.

Of course don’t forget to add salt and pepper.
For seasoning
Sometimes I make a mustard sauce. The principle is the same as mayonnaise. In a bowl, I put some dijon mustard that I beat hard with oil. Be careful, olive oil is not suitable for this sauce.
Other times, I just season with a little olive oil mixed with old-fashioned mustard and a little balsamic vinegar.
This recipe is very simple to make and will obviously impress your guests.

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