When you are seeking the perfect dessert, think of the Sabayon, made only with egg yolks, it’s an easy recipe perfect for a reception. It’s impressive when served but really easy to make, with only 3 ingredients. And more, you could combine the Sabayon with a recipe which use only the egg white, like the Macarons, or the Financier
The origin of the sabayon is rather obscure and in the history of the origin of culinary delicacies. We can find two different versions on its creation.
One thing is sure, it is a dessert of Italian origin, just by its denomination you know it.
The origin
Version with the Priest
The most popular version affirms that the invention of the sabayon is thanks to a religious, Fra ‘Pasquale de Baylon. The priest discovered the recipe for zabaione a little by chance but had been perfecting it gradually. So he repeated it as a mathematical formula: 1 + 2 + 2 + 1. Formula meant 1 egg + 2 teaspoons sugar + 2 + 1 shell of Marsala shells hot water … And that’s it, sabayon is made.
He advised to prepare a sabayon for children as a tonic and energizing cream, but also for husbands to get a “viagra” effect. The result seems to have been incredible!
We do not know if it was for the invention of this cream or another. The fact is that among Baylon was sanctified in 1680, and be called San Bajon … Zabaione
Version with the military man
Another version, says that the captain of the Ventura E.G. Baglioni arrived in the vicinity of Reggio Emilia at the head of his troops and camped in this place. As he had nothing to give the soldiers to feed them. So he sent emissaries in search of victuals. But they found and requisitioned nothing but eggs, honey, white wine, and aromatic herbs from the hills near Scandiano. On this occasion, the condottiere mixed the ingredients collected and distributed the mixture to the troops as a soup. The soldiers, against all odds, were very enthusiastic. Thus, quite by chance, was born the mixture that immediately became common use and, from the name of its involuntary inventor, it was called “Zvan Bajoun”, whose name was distorted, following the natural evolution of words over time into “Zambajoun …”. Zabajoun … Zabajone, as still pronounced in Italy.
Thus tells the historian Numa in his “Historia”.
Catherine de Medici, our great Italian gourmet, would have introduced in 1533 at the French court the sabayon.
3 egg yolks
45 g of sugar ( 1/4 cup)
1 orange zest or berries fruit or any kind of fruit you like (option)
1 cl of muscat or white wine or champagne… or juice

Cooking time : 5min
Waiting time: 5min
1 In a salad bowl, mix the egg yolks, sugar until they become pale almost white, and foamy.

Then Cook them:
2 Whip briskly on the simmering water bath for 4 to 5 minutes.
The temperature needs to be very low to not overcook your mixture. When the mixture takes a nice creamy texture, remove from the heat. Since the sabayon is assembled in a double boiler, it is necessary to take into account that the heat cooks the egg yolks. If you overcook it, it will start to crumble.
3 Add the Muscat or any other kind of alcohol like white wine, champagne, and if you don’t want to add alcohol, you could use any juice
4 When the sabayon is cooked, remove it from the heat and continue whipping to cool.

5 If you would prefer to make your sabayon with berries or mango, ananas… it’s at the end you could add it.
If your fruits are frozen it will stop your sabayon to cook, which is great.

[…] leftover. There are some solutions looking at my recipes. You could make a crème brûlée or a Sabayon, don’t you think you […]