I feel like willing a healthy, exotic salad with shrimps, which tasted like being in Asia, but finding all my ingredients at the corner of my street. Yes, we could do that without crossing the city in order to go to the Asian grocery. Of course, it’s a simplification of Asian recipe, but it’s as good as a real one 😉
Here is a very easy recipe with ingredients that you will find everywhere without any difficulties.

Cabbage chopped very finely
Shrimps cut in pieces
Dry grapefruit
Peanut butter
Chopped peanuts
Chia seeds
Sesame seeds
Sesame oil
Shallots vinegar or white vinegar or soy sauce
Wasabi or cayenne

I started with the seasoning, adding first the liquid ingredients: sesame oil, vinegar, then I add the peanut butter and I strongly whisk all the ingredients together. Chop the ginger into very small: you could use a mixer if you will prefer.

For the peanuts, I advise you to chop it with a knife to make small pieces, but not powder, which will have been the case if you have used an electric mixer.
Now it’s time to chop the shrimps in pieces, and to add it to the seasoning. Add salt and pepper, some seeds like sesame seeds and chia seeds which are very healthy.
Mix well, and add this mixture to the cabbage.
For the decoration and the flavor as well, I add some dry grapefruits which give you a sweet flavor

This salad is more than a starter, I eat it as a main dish as there is everything inside to have all the energy we need.
For other salad recipes, do not have any hesitation to check my other creations on Delicious by Emma