Chocolate Chip Cookies Elevated with a Special Note

Indulge your taste buds in a delightful journey of flavor with our decadent chocolate chip cookies.

Prepare for a taste sensation like no other with our Nut-Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies! These cookies are a heavenly blend of rich flavors, and in this recipe, I’ll guide you through creating these delectable treats with a delightful twist.

My secret ingredient adds a subtle nutty complexity that takes the classic chocolate chip cookie to a whole new level. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner, this recipe is a breeze to follow, ensuring that you’ll have a batch of mouthwatering cookies ready in no time.

So, let’s dive into the world of gourmet baking and learn how to craft these deluxe chocolate chip wonders that are bound to leave a lasting impression on your family and friends. It’s time to elevate your baking game with a touch of sophistication.

And now, it’s time to preheat your oven, grab your apron, and let’s get started on this flavorful journey!

Cookie's recipe : Ingredients
Cookie’s recipe : Ingredients

Ingredients for Gourmet Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Twist

  • 120g (1/2 cup) butter
  • 160g (¾ cup) brown sugar
  • 1 large egg (or 1 yolk and 1 whole egg if you double the measures)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 180g (1 and ¼ cup) all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100g (3.5 oz) chocolate chips
  • 100g (1 cup) chopped hazelnuts
  • A pinch of salt
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon espresso powder for enhanced chocolate flavor

Instructions for your Homemade Cookies Packed with Flavorful Goodness:

  1. For starting, preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Then, in a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter until it browns slightly, giving it a delightful hazelnut aroma. This is why it’s called hazelnut butter. This nutty deep flavor is a game changer.
Rich and Nutty Chocolate Chip Cookie Delights: let's prepare the butter
Rich and Nutty Chocolate Chip Cookie Delights: let’s prepare the butter
Rich and Nutty Chocolate Chip Cookie Delights: let's prepare the butter
Rich and Nutty Chocolate Chip Cookie Delights: let’s prepare the butter
  1. Now, let the browned butter cool for a few minutes, then add the granulated sugar. Mix until well combined.
Combine the browned butter with the cane sugar
Combine the browned butter with the cane sugar
  1. Add the egg and the vanilla extract to the butter-sugar mixture. Mix thoroughly.
Add the egg to the sugar and butter mixture
Add the egg to the sugar and butter mixture
  1. It’s time to combine the all-purpose flour and baking powder. So, gradually add this dry mixture to the wet ingredients, stirring until a cookie dough forms.
add the flour and mix with a fork
Add the flour and mix with a fork
  1. Now, fold in the chocolate chips, chopped hazelnuts, or any other kind of nuts and a pinch of salt. I like to caramelize my nuts before cooking my cookies, but it’s just an option. If you’d like to enhance the chocolate flavor, you can also add 1 teaspoon of espresso powder at this stage.
  2. Place the cookie dough in the refrigerator to chill for 15-20 minutes. This will help the dough firm up, making it easier to scoop. While the dough is chilling in the fridge, I like to caramelize the nuts: in a pan you add a ¼ cup of butter plus ¼ cup of sugar and as soon as it’s start to be melted, add all your nuts. Of course, it’s over high heat. As soon as the nuts start to be slight brown, turn down the temperature
  3. After chilling, scoop out portions of dough onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving enough space between each cookie.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes at 180°C (350°F). The cookies should have a golden brown edge and be slightly soft in the center.

Caramelized hazelnuts:

In a large shallow pan, roast the hazelnuts in a frying pan over medium heat for 5 min.

In a pan over medium heat, let roast the nuts
In a pan over medium heat, let roast the nuts

Remove them from the pan, and let them cool, then remove any loose skins

The, in this same pan, make a syrup with the sugar : (100 g : 1 cup) and a 1/4 cup of water (40 cl) over high heat. It’s need bubbling. Now add a pinch of salt.

Now, add the hazelnuts into the pan and mix well. The sugar will crystallize around the hazelnuts.It’s time to add 10g of butter (1 tablespoon)

Leave on the heat, stirring regularly, until the sugar caramelizes.

Pour onto a siliconized cloth, or a parchment paper, oil a little to prevent sticking as it cools. Spacing out the hazelnuts, and leave to cool completely.

Decadent Nut-Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies
Decadent Nut-Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies

For ending, crush with a knife all of them.

If you desire different textures for your cookies, here are your options:

  • For soft, melting cookies, bake for 9 minutes.
  • For cookies that are soft on the inside but crispy on the outside, bake for 11 minutes.
  • To keep them cold and firm inside, bake them overnight (refrigerate the dough) before baking.

When you remove the cookies from the oven, they should be in perfect circular shapes. Optionally, you can add a dollop of Nutella on top of each cookie while they are still warm for an extra indulgent touch.

Enjoy your homemade hazelnut chocolate chip cookies with that irresistible nutty deep flavor in three delightful ways!

Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cookies

Bon appétit and don’t forget to discover more culinary delights! Explore my other fantastic recipes and elevate your cooking skills with my online cooking classes. Join me in the kitchen for a flavorful journey you won’t want to miss!

And if you’re ever in France, consider staying at my charming bed and breakfast. Experience the beauty of our region and savor the local cuisine while enjoying a comfortable stay with me. I look forward to hosting you!

Cookies best recipe with chocolate and caramelized hazelnuts
Cookies best recipe with chocolate and caramelized hazelnuts

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